Do you need
English into Slovak Translation?
Italian into Slovak Translation? You've come to the right place!

✔️ 100% human translations

✔️ Quick responses to your questions

✔️ Free consultation and quote

✔️ Direct, personable communication

✔️ Individualized approach

✔️ The right solution for you


Want more info?

E-mail me at or give me a call!

How can I help?


    Technical translation from English and Italian into Slovak using state-of-the-art translation tools to ensure accurate, terminologically consistent translations. On-time delivery guaranteed!

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    Creative copy adaptation rather than literal translation is the best solution for your website, social media, or anywhere you want to reach, inform, and engage with your existing or new clients.

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    Communication support for business meetings, product presentations at exhibitions and trade fairs, or any event with Slovak-speaking delegates or participants. My interpretation service is available in Slovakia or abroad.

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    Native Slovak review of documents for errors in grammar, style, and consistency. You get error-free, smoothing-reading Slovak documents ready to be submitted for publication.

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Need something else? Maybe I can help!
Please drop me an e-mail at, and I will answer ASAP!



Product descriptions on e-commerce website, press releases, social media posts, advertising campaigns


Make-up and skincare product descriptions, spa treatment descriptions, labels, packaging


Hotel descriptions, blog articles, guides, websites


Catalogues, newsletters, product presentations at fair trades


Press conferences, interviews, soccer camps

What customers say about my work

„Ďakujem Gabriele za viac ako len za výborné tlmočnícke služby. Pomáhala nám so získavaním informácií, oslovovaním budúcich partnerov a predstavovaním produktov odbornej lekárskej verejnosti. Spôsob, akým dokázala prirodzene a profesionálne komunikovať
v taliančine bol nad očakávania.“

Ing. Juraj Vincej

Product Specialist, Diawin

„Gabriela è sempre puntuale, professionale e flessibile. Non potremmo consigliare una migliore professionista per le traduzioni dall’Italiano e dall’Inglese verso lo slovacco.“

Francesco Bolognesi

Traduzioni Media

„Gabriela è senza dubbio una professionista molto seria, affidabile e puntuale con le consegne. Apprezzo molto anche la disponibilità che dimostra nelle situazioni di urgenza.“

Maria Pia Mulazzani


“I know Gabriela as a professional freelance translator who meets all her tight deadlines and has a creative approach to translations which is essential for our business.”

Viera Banda

“Based on high-quality performance, responsiveness, and professionalism, Codex Global highly recommends Gabriela Gurova as a reliable linguist and will continue in the ongoing collaboration with her.”

Magdalena Tatarkova

Codex Global

„Gabriela has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is responsible and flexible, has the ability to be a "self-starter” and high energy level.“

Massimo Bernacconi


„So službami Gabriely Gurovej sme boli veľmi spokojní. Dostali sme gramaticky a štylisticky dokonalý text. Rád by som vyzdvihol profesionalitu, prehľadnosť cenovej ponuky a dodržaný termín odovzdania.“

Štefan Grebáč

Výkonný riaditeľ GAFA AUTO s. r. o.

„Gabika pre nás preložila nespočetné množstvo marketingových materiálov, návodov, popisov k produktom. Vždy dodržala dohodnutý termín a nikdy nesľúbila niečo, čo nedokázala splniť.“

Radoslav Tomašovič

Konateľ Rapier s. r. o.

„Ďakujeme Gabike za vynikajúce tlmočenie z taliančiny aj angličtiny do slovenčiny na tlačovej konferencii a futbalovom tábore.“

Katarína Droppová

Riaditeľka Media & Communication Consulting, spol. s r. o.

„Oceňujeme autentickosť tlmočenia z a do taliančiny, ako aj vynikajúcu znalosť Talianska. Gabriela Gurová bude určite aj v budúcnosti našou voľbou číslo 1.“

Ing. Diana Padychová

Referent pre správu registratúry
MČ Bratislava – Devínska Nová Ves


Gabriela Gurova

  • Master’s degree in Translation and Interpreting (English and Italian)
  • Full-time Freelance Translator since 2011
  • Long-term abroad stays (United Kingdom, Malaysia, Italy)
  • Member of Slovak Association of Translators and Interpreters
  • Life-long education in marketing, SEO, fashion, design, sport and software
  • 14 years of experience
  • 3 million translated words
  • 10 000 interpreting hours
  • 150 happy clients
  • 10 new brands launched on the Slovak market
  • 8 000 espressos drunk



    Catalogues, newsletters, product presentations at the fair trades


    Description of make-up and spa treatment products, information leaflets, labels


    Description of hotels and restaurants, articles, blogs, websites


    Press conferences, interviews, football training camps


    Description of products for e-commerce, press releases, advertising campaigns



Mgr. Gabriela Gurová
Nová 117/18
962 62 Sása
ID: 45 934 991
TIN: 1080526744

If you need:

  • Spell checking
  • Terminology consistency
  • Graphic/embedded object checks
  • Layout and text formatting

Do you need a Slovak interpreter for events like these?

  • International conferences
  • Training courses
  • Workshops
  • Negotiations
  • Press conferences
  • Production plant visits
  • Cultural events

Do you need Slovak translations of documents like these?

  • Flyers and catalogues
  • Websites
  • Newsletters
  • Social media posts
  • Adverts
  • Guides
  • Blog posts

Do you need Slovak translations of documents like these?

  • Manuals and user guides
  • Technical sheets
  • Material safety data sheets
  • Tender dossiers
  • Terms and conditions
  • Transport documents
  • Accounting documents